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Website Analysis Workshop

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If your charity has multiple priorities and needs to communicate to different audiences via one website at any given time then you will be in a similar position to thousands of not-for-profits across the UK.

From grassroots campaigners to volunteers, politicians and change-makers, the list is endless. The simple fact of the matter is that the audiences are different and so are their needs and emotional journey through your primary digital channel. We want to address this challenge head on by assessing and diagnosing your website's ability to serve its key audiences. We will look at breaking down your audience segments by their location, source and behaviour. We will look at how the current content performs against the fundamental KPI's which your organisation delivers on.

This workshop gives you and your team the ability to openly critique and unpack what is working and what is not working. Although our analysis will prove useful in determining what needs improvement or what needs future-proofing, nothing can prepare you enough for the early adoption of digital transformation that takes place in this workshop. Through working as a collective group or small digital team you will be able to cut through to clear digital objectives for the long term and set a new array of KPI's in line with your new digital roadmap for success.

This workshop will equip you and your team with the tools to stop explaining why everything can’t go on the home page but at the same time bring hope that soon enough the home page will be everything to your key audiences.

Prior to each workshop and working with you we will carry out a digital audit of your strategic needs; where your organisation has been in terms of its digital footprint, where you are now and where you could go in the future. This will inform the agenda and the outcomes for the workshop where we will custom build your workshop experience for you and your key internal stakeholders.

If you would like to know more about how our digital workshop experience could empower you and your charity to deliver digital fundraising success and measurable supporter growth then get started today.

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